Please visit the tabs below for more information about the Pennant or see below for a brief summary!

Relevant Personnel and Contact Details

TTACT Pennant Commitee - Song Chen (Chair), Larry Lim, Todd Kliendienst,

Alex Ellis, Rob Ogden and Sam Esposito (Ratings Central).

  • All administrative pennant inquiries (fill-ins, team registration, rule clarification, Ratings Central, etc.) shall be directed to the Pennant Committee at
  • Click on the link to access the weekly Team Ladders: Draws and Results

There will be four pennant competitions this year, aligned with the school terms. All pennant fixtures will consist of a round robin of 9 matches followed by semi finals and the final (top four teams). All pennant play will take place at Alfred Deakin High School on Tuesdays (div 1 and 3) and Thursdays (div 2 and 4.)

Pennant Schedule


Entries open

Entries close (11.59pm)

Pennant starts (Monday)

Finals week (Monday)


01 Jan 2024

14 Jan 2024

5 Feb 2024

8 April 2024


29 Mar 2024

14 April 2024

29 April 2024

01 Jul 2024


09 June 2024

30 Jun 2024

22 July 2024

23 Sept 2024


01 Sep 2024

22 Sep 2023

14 Oct 2024

16 Dec 2024


  1. Entries will only be accepted from players who are 2024 financial competition members of TTACT and have no outstanding debts to TTACT.
  2. Entries will not be accepted beyond the closing date unless additional players are required to form a balanced competition.
  3. If more entries are received than can be accommodated across the three divisions, places will be offered in order of receipt of entries.

Rating bands for each Division

These bands are strictly a guideline only. The division in which you are offered a place may vary from one pennant to the next depending on the number and overall standard of entries received for a given pennant. The bands are shown below:

Division 1 – 1300 and above

Division 2 - 1000 to 1299

Division 3 – 801 - 999

Division 4 - 800 and below

Note 1: Depending on final entry numbers and composition, players may be moved upwards or downwards to for the pennant teams.

Note 2: For pennant seeding, the rating used is equal to a player’s rating less their standard deviation. This is a more accurate method of assessing a player’s standard as it takes into account players that have not played for some time.

Note 3: The pennant Committee may place high performing players in a higher division than their rating points would place them, if they consider it would be beneficial to the player’s development.

Note 4: At the conclusion of the round robin section of each pennant season, the top two players in each division (apart from Division A) who have played at least 70% of available matches will be offered promotion to the next higher division in the following pennant season.

A more detailed discussion of how this works is found in the Pennant Committee Team Allocation Guidelines.

Cost for the season (10 weeks total)

  • $90 Adult, $72 junior/concession
  • Non-Members: must first become a TTACT Competition Member (you can register here)

New to the Pennant?

For those unsure of the general procedures required of you on competition night, please refer to the TTACT Pennant By-Laws for your reference whether you have played pennant previously at a different club or for the first time!

Are you a team Captain? Please read these responsibilities that you are expected to execute each week.

  • Players: All players in the pennant must be registered as financial competition members with TTACT or an affiliated association
  • Team captains will be the first listed player in each team shown in the draw, unless another is elected by the team
  • Balls: White Plastic 40mm+ Balls will be used. The main colour of shirt or shorts must not be white.
  • Match Format: All matches will be the best of 5 games, 11 points. There will be 9 singles and 2 doubles matches per teams match. 
  • Reserves: Players are to organise reserves when they can't attend. The selection of reserves must be done in accordance with the pennant by-laws.
  • Warm-up: Warm-up time is between 6pm to 6:30pm. Please share the tables with other players playing that evening. Members who are not playing in Pennant that evening are to vacate the tables by 6pm.
  • Start time: Matches must begin by 6:30pm unless there is agreement between team captains about starting earlier or later.
  • Time Out: During any individual match (including doubles), a player or a team member may call a ‘Time Out’ by signalling the umpire (after the end of a point, but before the next point starts). Only one Time Out may be called for a player during the match. The time out is to be no longer than one minute, as recorded and determined by the match umpire.
  • Towelling down: Play should be continuous except if the umpire deems it necessary such as for removing moisture from the surface of a bat, which may be raised by either player before a point is played. Players are entitled to brief intervals for towelling after every 6 points from the start of each game and at the change of ends in the last possible game of an individual match.
  • Undue noise: Players are to not make undue noise that could interrupt the concentration of players on adjacent tables. 
  • Finals: The top four teams will play in the semi finals (1) v (4) and (2) v (3); and semi final winners will play in the final in each division. The grand final will be played on the same night for all divisions. 
  • Player Ratings: Results from matches (excluding forfeited matches and doubles matches) will be used to maintain a players individual rating updated weekly through Ratings Central
  • Best Player Award: To be eligible for the best player award, players must have played at least 70% of possible matches in the round robin stage before finals.
  • Rules: All players should be familiar with the rules as described in the TTACT Pennant By-Laws. Please take particular note of the service rule and the use of ITTF approved racket rubbers. Remember that to promote harmony and good sportsmanship; players should not make things difficult for each other, or for umpires and vice versa. If in doubt, consult the Division Manager.
  • Member Protection Policy: All TTACT members are bound by the TTA Member Protection Policy which outlines measures to address bullying, discrimination and harassment and to protect children from harm and abuse. It outlines how TTACT will meet its obligations, maintain responsible behaviour from all members and provide fair decision making procedures. Disciplinary action will be taken for any breaches of this policy.
  • Division Managers: On the night of their competition, Division Managers have the authority of the Board to provide leadership in organising various aspects of the competition and to resolve issues about conduct of play on those nights. They open up the centre at the beginning of the evening and close up (or delegate close up) at
    the end of the evening’s play. The Division Managers act as the referee for their division. (Umpires are the final
    arbiters of the facts of a disputed point, but the referee may overrule about interpretation of these facts).
  • The Serve: To be legal, a serve must commence from behind the base line, and from above the table surface. The ball shall be presented and held still in the palm of the hand (unless it is not possible due to disability) prior to commencement of the serve. The ball shall be tossed vertically at least 16 cm and struck while falling. The ball shall be clearly visible to the opposing player(s) and the umpire. Players who do not abide by these requirements
    should work on them, and consult the Division Manager as necessary.
  • Misbehaviour:  Incidents of misbehaviour, such as swearing or violent behaviour, should in the first instance be reported to the Division Manager. Serious incidents of misbehaviour will be referred by the Division Manager to the TTACT Board.