Table Tennis HQ Facilities Strategy Released

Published Mon 09 Sep 2024

The TTACT Facility Feasibility Study and Preliminary Planning Project (The Project) has delivered 2 major reports, prepared by McLaughlin Sports Consultancy.

  1. A Preliminary Findings and Options Paper. The Preliminary Report provides in-depth evidence on the need for and benefits of a permanent, fit for purpose Table Tennis HQ Facility in the ACT and identifies over 20 potential sites.    

  2. The main report “Table Tennis HQ Facilities Strategy 2024-2034. The Strategy Report provides:

  • strong evidence on the need for and benefits of a permanent, fit for purpose Table Tennis HQ Facility in the ACT, along with access to satellite facilities.

  • 11 potentially feasible sites requiring further investigation with ACT Government (Appendix A).

  • Concept plans and development cost estimates for a new facility (Appendix B)

  • Key Actions to guide TTACT as it  navigates through the process of establishing a new TTACT HQ facility.

 Hard copies of both reports are available at Kingston Table Tennis Centre, with electronic copies at the links above.

TTACT would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the following:

  • reimagined habitat Architects for their development of the facility concept plans, at no cost to TTACT 

  • Trone Projects, who provided cost estimates associated with construction of facility options, at no cost to TTACT.

  • TTACT Facilities Committee (Heather Tomlinson, Henrik Nielsen, Mark Groves and Michael Drage).

  • ACT Government Sport and Recreation Community Sport Facilities Program (CSFP), providing a grant of $55,000. 

The TTACT Board is organising a TTACT Forum on 19 October 2024 which will include a presentation from Mike McLaughlin on the HQ Facilities Strategy.  More details to follow.