
Member Forum: TTACT Next Move
Sat 19 Oct 2024 09:00 — 13:00

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Fri 18 Oct 2024 09:00.

Where: Kingston Table Tennis Centre 

When: Saturday 19 October 9-1pm (People may choose to attend all or parts of the Forum)  

Facilitator: Mike McLaughlin, McLaughlin Sports Consultancy

9am Welcome and Session 1: Progress on TTACT new fit for purpose table tennis centre

10am Session 2: Governance and Policy Framework

11am Session 3: Constitution Review

12 midday Session 4: Other Issues and Oportunities 

Full Agenda here 

A Pre-Member Forum Survey has been designed by the consultant to gain member insights to help prepare for this important initiative.  All TTACT members are encouraged to complete the Pre-Forum Survey by midnight, Tuesday 15th October (even if you are unable to attend the Forum). Click below to access Survey.

Table Tennis ACT Member Forum - e-Survey


Files for download