
Tuesday Week 0 Equaliser Singles
Tue 30 Jan 2024 19:00 — 22:00
0 Kingston, Cnr Dawes St and Canberra Ave, Griffith

Event information

This event is sold out.

The format of "Equaliser Singles" is several matches with best of 5 games, where a nominal draw is made up at 5:30pm on the day of the competition, where lower rated players get a head start based on their rating. This works to make competitive and fun matches up to a ratings difference of about 400. 

With up to 20 players, there would be 8 matches per table, which could take up to 3 hours to complete all rounds.

A more complete description of the way the draw will be made up:

  • All players are assigned a rating according to the scale of Ratings Central (rough for social players who have no rating).
  • Other than the highest and lowest rated player, everyone is assigned to the blue or red side of the draw (see image below).
  • Each player then plays neighboring players in 4 rounds - a grey, green, pink and orange round.
  • The initial advantage of the weaker player is 1 point for a 50-99 RC difference, 2 points for a 100-149 RC difference, 3 points for 150-199 RC difference, 4 points for 200-299 RC difference, then 1 point for each 100 above this (should be rare).
  • After each game, the advantage increases or decreases according to who won the last game. So if you lose the first 2 games, you will have an advantage 2 points higher for the 3rd game.